What does the poker community think about auto landing at PokerStars?

As PokerStars has repeatedly announced, starting from March 1, it will be impossible to use scripts in their client with which they were previously implemented auto landing at one or another table. This restriction caused a wide public outcry that stirred the poker community.
Many people are sure that such a decision can be considered correct, but late. For example, the 2 + 2 forum, well-known among English-speaking players, is full of posts that express satisfaction with the ban on landing scripts and regret the delay in its introduction.
In addition, the participants in the discussion suggest the room to continue what was started and to consider the ban on the activities of large "stables" and professional grinders. This is tough, say proponents of such measures, but fair to the rest of the regulars.

Another discussion of prohibition initiatives Pokerstars the topic concerns suspicious accounts. Recently, players say, on medium and large stacks, newbies with a surprisingly cloudless winning history are constantly appearing. Perhaps everything is so, but it is desirable to control such lucky people more closely.
In the event that the “stars” agree with the validity of all these proposals, users, and this is a common opinion, are ready to forgive the room all previous sins, including VIP program failed to start. Many still consider it a blatant deception, for which PokerStars should apologize.
However, in the general flow of approval of bans on auto-landing scripts, there were those who were unhappy. They refer to the negative experience of competitors: that, for example, 888poker with similar scripts a certain one calmly plays crazyfisher - and this is after the prohibition of the "eights" on their use! - Everyone seems to know.
According to skeptics, what is going to stop PokerStars cannot be eradicated, which means there is no point in trying. Instead, they believe, more attention should be paid to promoting user loyalty - to increase bonuses, reduce rake and, above all, more carefully check the charges, without bathing the people in vain.
As they say, how many people, so many opinions, especially in such a specific environment as the poker community. However, in such cases, no additional voice will be superfluous: after all, truth, as you know, is born in disputes. Therefore, before March comes, anyone who wants to speak out about PokerStars banning the use of auto-landing scripts can do it.